A proposito di John Titor

Il Giornale Online

di Luciano Vecchi

La conoscete la storia di John Titor ? So' che va per la maggiore su Internet ed io sono stato uno dei primi, se non il primo in assoluto, a parlarne sul web nostrano, subito dopo la rivista cartacea Focus.

Ebbene, sapevate che nel 2001 a John fu chiesto qualcosa sul futuro della letteratura come prova del fatto ch'egli venisse dal 2036? Egli prese a recitare una poesia che non era stata ancora scritta di cui si ricordava solo le prime righe. Era intitolata “A Soldier's Winter”, soldato d'inverno. Raccontò che era stata scritta da un soldato, pubblicata dopo la sua morte e adottata come simbolo per il futuro.

Ora, succede che un ufficiale in pensione delle forze armate statunitensi ha scritto una poesia intitolata “A Soldier's Winter”, dopo che John disse che sarebbe stata scritta. Larry Cluck, questo è il nome dell'ufficiale, ha 62 anni e ha scritto la poesia “soldati d'inverno” alla fine del 2005 o all'inizio del 2006… Non ricorda bene. L'ha pubblicata on-line nel 2007 e non aveva mai sentito parlare di John Titor sino a che non era stato portato alla sua attenzione.

E per quanto la cosa possa sembrare imbarazzante, questa novitĂ , sta scatenando un rinnovato interesse per John Titor, l'uomo che viene dal futuro e per la poesia, di cui da parte di John, si conoscono solo queste brevi righe:

The day before it wasn't snowing.
The trees are strangers, leering, disapproving in the ash of winter ..my world, my life, my wandering path.
I pray God's eyes may once again gaze upon me and remind me that I am still His child.

E questa è la poesia per intero di Larry Cluck…

The day before it wasn’t snowing. The trees are strangers, leering, disapproving in the ash of winter. My world, my life, my wandering path. I pray that God’s eyes may once again gaze upon me and remind me that I am still His child.

Winter has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the approaching season. A soldier’s thought is only to remember how we have laughed a thousand times and sheds a thousand tears for no reason.

It seems like only yesterday that I was young and free. I became a soldier like my dad many winters ago. Though countless seasons have passed me by and I don’t remember them all. But I know I must have lived them because so many soldiers still call and say, “Do you remember when?” I do have glimpses of how it was back then, with all my ambition and objectives. But here it is the winter of my life and it has caught me like a mission with no perspectives.

How did I get here so fast? Where did the years go and where did all the soldiers go? Where did my youth go? I remember seeing older NCO's and officers through the years. I am thinking that those soldiers were years away from me, and that winter was so far off, that I could not fathom it, or imagine how it would be.

I’ve lived through so many conflicts, so many operations, so many maneuvers, and so many funerals. I’ve seen the happiness and the sadness that has come with each. I’ve seen accomplishments, I’ve tasted success, and I’ve experienced failures. Through it all my buddies, my family was standing beside me. But winter has come so fast, I only have the memories of the years that have passed.

They say a soldier’s day is never done, when the last boot is shined, when the last order is signed, the last inspection is made, the last salute has fallen, we will hear the evening cannon fire, we will hear the bugle play, we will see old glory folded, and know winter is on its way.

Each day now of the coming season seems to be getting shorter and shorter. Sunrises and sunsets seem closer and closer together, winter is approaching much too fast! All my skills, all my training, all my abilities as a solider can’t stop it; all we can do is have memories of the past.

Now I enter into this season of my life. Unprepared for all the aches and pains that I feel, the loss of old friends, the loss of old soldiers who’s winter caught them off guard, and the ability to perform the duties of a soldier are very hard.

But I do know that though winter has come, and I’m not sure how long it will last. This is for sure when it’s over; it’s over!
Yes, I have regrets! There are things I wish I hadn’t done, things I should have done. But indeed, there are many things I’m blissful to have done. It’s all in a lifetime of a soldier I once was.

So, if you're not in your winter yet, let me remind to you, that it will be here faster than you think. So, whatever you would like to accomplish in your life, do it quickly! Winter comes so fast! So do what you can today, because you will never know if this could be your last!

God has made us no promise that we will see all the seasons of life again. So live for today, and say all the things that you want to say. So your buddies and your loved ones will remember what you say every day. “Being a soldier is a gift. The way you live your life is your legacy to those who came after you. Make the most of it.”

Live it well! Winter is on its way! Larry Cluck

Be'… che dire?! Un'altra fregatura? Non saprei! Certo che questa storia è davvero una telenovela… che nasconde però alcuni risvolti raccapriccianti e alcune cose che giĂ  si sono avverate e che si avvereranno in futuro, come, ad esempio, Hillary nel 2009…

Fonte: ilprofessorechos.blogosfere.it